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Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDLocation is TBDTime is TBDLocation is TBDEffective Promotion of Biomedical Prevention Strategies Amongst Black and Migrant Communities in Europe, North America and Africa
Date: Friday 26th July 2019
Venue: Guy's Hospital ,Rooms 1-3, 16th floor BRC
Faculty, Tower Wing, Great Maze Pond,
London SE1 9RT
Time : 10:00 - 1.00pm
Join us for the official launch of PrEP and Prejudice, a unique PHE Innovation Funded campaign that aims to influence how BME communities engage in HIV prevention, specifically the use of PrEP. Come and hear about our experiences of working with diverse communities in England, getting involved and how you can support the campaign.
For more information or to register;
[t] 0208 698 4473
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